Interview w/ Transylvania-TV Co-Creator Michael Heagle

As it turns out, the things that go bump in the night are real after all and you can find them a mouse-click away thanks to a motley crew of cellar dweller named Michael Heagle, Gordon Smuder and Clarke Stone who have crafted a superbly entertaining, monster-filled viewing experience in their show Transylvania TV. The show, which is currently in its 3rd season, stars a cast of whacked out creatures and weirdos that pay homage to an assortment of genre royalty such as Forrest J. Ackerman, Nosferatu, the Frankenstein monster and many more.

I was lucky enough to catch up with one of the show’s co-creators, Michael Heagle, between promoting a full-hour Halloween special, an appearance on G4TV and teaching kids cool things about film for a brief interview on the origin of the show, why you should avoid the “M” word and the magic behind making a film.

It’s great to have you here, Michael, can you tell us a little about yourself?

Sure– I’m a reformed cheesehead, born in Green Bay Wisconsin and raised in and around Mukwonago Wi (Pop. 5000). Watching Channel 18’s horror-hosted movie afternoons with Godzilla flicks and shows like Amicus’ Land that Time Forgot with Doug McClure turned me into what I am today. Inspired by King Kong, Harryhausen, and JAWS, I started making movies on 8mm film in fifth grade, back when you had to get the film processed at K-Mart and showed it on a bed sheet. Boy we’ve come a long way, technology-wise, now I teach visual effects principles and software at Art Institutes International Minnesota, and my students are all running off to Hollywood to make effects shots for the movies.

If you were alone on an zombie-infested island with nothing but a TV, a VCR and one sandal what 5 movies would you bring?

Oh, my go-to list is all B movies, meaning they begin with the letter B. Blade Runner, Back to the Future, Big Trouble in Little China, Blow Up (had to have at least one art-snob picture on there). Hopefully the zombies will appreciate my choices and not moan too much during the movie. For my fifth slot I’ll bring the other sandal.

What’s the best thing about what you do for a living?

I get paid to teach other people what I’m doing as a filmmaker. So, when I go to my day job, I’m honing the skills that I use as a filmmaker. I have to understand a concept so well I can explain it to someone else. That requires a deeper understanding, and so my own skills increase daily. Plus, all the talented young people remind me not to rest on my laurels, there’s more talented kids coming down the pipeline every day. Watch out, Hollywood!

Do you have any weird rituals or habits that you do each day on set?

Not a one. We’re very business-like. There’s even a minimum of fooling around, we generally have so much to do and people are so dedicated that we just get down to it. It’s not like we get in a circle and say “Poowaba poowaba pooowaba.”

What’s the strangest thing you can remember doing as a kid?

Getting in a circle and saying “Poowaba poowaba pooowaba.”

Any regrets thus far?

Regrets? I’ve had a few. But then again, too few to mention. I keep telling myself we should stop doing this because we’re not making any money at it. But then we all show up on set and make magic, and I take the magic home and edit it on my amazing home computer, and I realize that the tools and the people are the payment. What a great time it is to be making media. But still, give me some freaking cash already.

Want to learn more about Michael Heagle and Transylvania TV?

Be sure to catch them on the web: Official Site | Facebook | Twitter

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